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Programmed Crystals & Gemstones
EMF Protection Set: Terahertz LG Sphere/Copper Tensor Royal Cubit XL Light Ring
Red Jasper High Quality Master Carved Mini Skull ( No Programming)
Copper Tensor Royal Cubit XXL Feedback Loop w/ Rare Crystal Package Programmed
XXL Reiki Healer Abundance Ignited Pyrite Natural Specimen / Wood stand
Crystal Skull Master Reading : Elutheya " ELU" Amethyst Skull Reading
Crystal Skull Master Reading: " Vira" LG Rose Quartz Skull reading
General Crystal Skull Reading: " Tesana" aka " Tess" Fire quartz XL Skull
Crystal Skull Master Reading: " Tesana" XL Quartz/ Fire quartz Master Skull
Crystal Skull General Reading "Albina" aka "Alba" AAA Moonstone Skull
Crystal Skull Master Reading: "Albina" aka "Alba" AAA Moonstone Skull
General Crystal Skull Reading: "Neperteh" AAA Natural Citrine Traveler (Brasil)
Crystal Skull Master Reading: "Neperteh" AAA Natural Citrine Traveler (Brasil)
Crystal Skull Reiki Master Healer Reading: Himalayan Rainbow Quartz Skull "TEF"
General Crystal Skull Reading: "Penny Ka" AKA PK Light Smokey AAA Quartz
Crystal Skull Master Reading: "Penny - Ka" aka P.K. Light Smokey AAA Quartz
12 Crystal Skull Readings , Full Year Package, Monthly Reading
Crystal Skull Reading : Master Reading
Pyrite Specimen (Dolmen Charged) 12.85 oz
Pyrite Cubed Specimen ( Dolmen Imprint) Ignited
General Reading: Labradorite Master Skull " Omegas Li"
Master Reading ( Master Labradorite Skull ): Master Crystal Skull " Omegas Li"
General Reading: Crystal Skull Chiron aka Cai-Ro
Master Reading: Crystal Skull " Chiron" aka Cai- Ro
General Reading: Tago Master Skull Reading
Master Reading: ( Master Skull) Crystal Skull Tago
AAA Natural Strawberry Quartz Medium/LG Tower (1.81 oz)
"Daro" Flower Agate Star Being Crystal Skull / Copper Coil Amulet
XXL Ghost Phantom Quartz Cabochon Gem Adjustable Necklace
Programmed AAA Quartz Free Form Gem Trigonic Record Keeper 3.61 oz
AAA Green Prasiolite Gem / Copper Coil Amulet (XL)
EMF protection Pendant: Shungite Cosmic Egg / Copper DNA Spiral
Dolmen Charged Rare AAA Pineapple Quartz Free Form Cluster Gem
Highest quality AAA Moonstone Set of Two Large Towers
Large Petrified Wood Set Highest Quality ( Arizona) w/ certification note
Master Carved Cabochon Gem Skull of Fire Matrix Opal Rhyolite (Mexico)
AAA Brasil Clear Quartz (phantoms )Large Free Form
EMF Protection H.E.A.L. Shield : AAA Elite Noble Shungite/ Silver Copper Coil
Master Carved Programmed AAA Natural Citrine Gem Skull (5.67 oz) / Tower Set
Master Carved Programmed AAA Natural Citrine Gem Skull (6.29 oz) / Towers Set
Rainbow Clear AAA Himalayan Quartz Drusy Cluster Specimen (Ethically sourced) LG
Volcanic Agate Natural UV Reactive XXL Specimen ( Very Rare ) highest quality
AAA Clear Rainbow Quartz Free Form ( Brasil ) Self Standing Natural Tower/Wand
Lemurian Quartz Point / Copper Coil Pendant ( LG)
AAA Grape Amethyst Geode Cluster Specimen ( 12.23 oz) LG
Himalayan AAA Hydro Quartz Natural Double Termination Gem Programmed
AAA Seethru Lavender and Green Fluorite Tower (large) 3.75oz
XL Highest Quality Orange Calcite Tower / Wand 4.49 oz ( 432hz)
Incredible AAA Amethyst Vogel Wand ( Brasil ) Large size Dolmen Charged
AAA Amethyst Drusy and Calcite Specimen (4.66oz) wholesale (432 Hz)
Grape Agate drusy specimen (wholesale price)
Blue Tigers Eye Sphere ( Large) w/ stand
AAA Natural Honey Citrine ( Brasil ) Tower ( Collector)
Labradorite Plate
Master Reiki Healer Citrine Elongated Skull / XXL Royal Cubit Light Ring
"Vaya" AAA light Citrine Dragon Master Carved (5.67oz) / Citrine Tower
EMF Protection H.E.A.L. Shield : AAA Elite Noble Shungite/ Copper Coil
Passion Purification Amulet : Pink Morganite Gemstone/ Copper Coil
AAA Elite Noble Shungite Stone (SM) / Gold Copper Coil (light gauge)
EMF Protection Series: AAA Elite Noble Shungite / Copper Coil Pendant (SM)
EMF Protection Pendant: AAA Elite Noble shungite/ Copper Coil ( Medium size)
Shungite "Giza" Great Pyramid : EMF Protection Series
Supernova Bastet Framed Canvas
Fire Matrix Opal Rhyolite ( Mexico) Master Carved Skull (Programming)
EMF Protector Pendant: Shungite / Copper Coil Pendulum (LG) 432 Hz
Lepidolite Specimen Platform w/ Labradorite / Opalite Skull Set (Dolmen Imprint)
Incredible XL Lemurian Quartz/ Copper Coil Spiral Pendant/ Dowsing
EMF Protection Pendant Series: Black Tourmaline/ Copper Coil Spiral Pendant (XL)
AAA Natural Honey Citrine Tower From Brasil
Rare Fire Matrix Opal Rhyolite Master Carved Gemstone Skull Pendant/ programmed
Massive Highest Quality Green Fluorite Specimen 1LB 14.3 oz (Dolmen Imprint)
AAA Pink Lithium Lemurian Quartz/ Copper Coil Spiral Pendant (XL)
Sphalerite XL Drusy Floating Cube (13.88 oz)